Museum Belvédère is a unique location for your meetings, business meetings, workshops and symposia.
Museum café
Our museum café can be used for meetings on Mondays (all day) or on other days after 5 p.m. The view of the Grand Canal and Estate Oranjewoud is beautiful during the day and in the evening! Wi-Fi available.
Temporary exhibition space
Our temporary exhibition space is a unique location for larger groups. In the midst of inspiring art, we can make any arrangement for groups of up to 80 people. Only on Mondays (all day) or on other days after 5 pm. Room hire is subject to VAT calculation.
We would be happy to think along with you to make your meeting in Museum Belvédère a success!
Oranje Nassaulaan 12
8448 MT Heerenveen-Oranjewoud
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