visitor information

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 am – 5.00 pm.
Closed on Mondays.


Open on Good Friday. 

Open on Easter Monday.

Open on Whit Monday.

Open on Boxing Day.

Closed at Christmas Day and New Years Day.

buy a ticket
Entrance fees   


Adults € 15,00
Children up to 12 yrs (family) free
CJP € 7,50
Teenagers up to 18 yrs/ students (with student card) € 7,00

Vrienden Museum Belvédère


Museum card free

Rembrandt Association card
(only the permanent collection) ICOM



TOURS (private)

Guided tour (max. 10 p. per group)


€ 65,-

Museum Park tour by Staatsbosbeheer

€ 65,-




basisonderwijs (per leerling)
voortgezet onderwijs (per leerling)
met museumdocent (per 20 leerlingen)

Schoolbezoek in groepsverband altijd met een museumdocent! De prijs is inclusief professionele begeleiding en lesmateriaal. Voor schoolreserveringen graag contact opnemen met:

€ 1,50
€ 3,-
€ 70,-




Visitor information

Museum Belvédère
Oranje Nassaulaan 12
8448 MT, Heerenveen-Oranjewoud

We have a parking space for the disabled.
Click here for more info.

Our regular route description can be found here

Telephone: +31 (0) 513-644 999



Visiting address:
Oranje Nassaulaan 12, 8448 MT Heerenveen
+31 (0) 513-644 999

Click here for a printable version.

Input navigation system:

Oranje Nassaulaan 12, Heerenveen
You have to follow this road until the end / parking lot.
GPS: 52.95737N  5.95977E


detailed route description

Parking for the disabled

If you have difficulty walking, you can park close to the museum instead of at the beginning of the Museum Park. Click below for more information (from the roads A7 and A32) and a route map.


Input navigation system: Woudsterweg en de GPS-coördinaten 52.95883N 5.96408E


parking space disabled

Wheelchair information

If you need a wheelchair, you are requested to ring the bell on the side of the museum (left at the back door). The signs in the parking lot point you there. On weekends, you are requested to announce your arrival at the counter. This can be done by walking to the counter or by calling the general number: 0513 – 644999. The side door will then be opened for you and a wheelchair will be available.


House rules

To make your visit as pleasant and safe as possible, some rules and regulations apply in the museum.



all house rules

Public transport bicycle at Heerenveen station

You can take out a free subscription to an OV-fiets at You link this subscription to your OV chip card. At the station in Heerenveen you can use the bicycles of OV-fiets and easily move to our museum.




check availability bicycles



Would you like to combine your museum visit with coffee, cake or a tasty lunch? That is possible! You can take a seat in our atmospheric museum café, at our picnic tables outside or on our terrace by the water.

e: | t: 0513 - 64 00 40 


Hotel deal

Looking for an attractive overnight stay? Museum Belvédère and the nearby Golden Tulip Tjaarda Oranjewoud have jointly developed an arrangement for each exhibition.


sign up